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Available on iOS & Android

The S’moo app is your go-to app for all things hormone balance. Order your S’moo from the app w/ fast shipping, exclusive offers, quick checkout and notifications on all things S’moo.

15% Off Your First App Order

Download the app, and approve push notifications to get your one time 15% off code. We also offer Interest free installments over 6 weeks through Afterpay.

First Access to Products and Deals

Having the S'moo shop app has its perks! Get first access to our newest products & deals. Access special discounts & treat yourself to EARLY ACCESS on exclusive product launches.

Quick Ordering

Shopping shouldn’t be hard! Checkout on the S’moo app in seconds to have your S’moo on the way to you quicker than ever. Pay with Apple Pay, or Google Pay for the fastest checkout experience.

Manage Your Subscription

Whether you're thinking about signing up, or are a loyal S'moo customer... the app makes it easy to manage your subscription. You can change flavors, swap products, skip a month and more!

Save Your Favs

Build your wishlist and save your favorite items for later. Keep everything in one place for when you’re ready to make them yours.

Shipping Deals

US: FREE shipping if you spend +75 USD. International: FREE shipping if you spend +100 USD. 100% Money Back Guarantee - love S’moo products or your money back!