Whether you use S'moo or not, everyone is welcome to our sisterhood! Our goal as S'moo Babes is to love and support everyone through each of our journeys while loving ourselves unconditionally. We live by the S'moo Babe Commandments, inside and out of the S'moo Babe Community:

I am beautiful, exactly as I am and so are my sisters.

As a S'moo Babe, my role is to be a positive light to myself & to others. No negative self talk here, uplift myself & my sisters & tell myself the truth - that you are strong, beautiful & you've got anything you set your mind to!

I don't let my medical results define me, or my life.

Being a S'moo Babe is about not letting my medical results define me & how I live my daily life. It is about waking up every day being thankful for another day on this earth, & taking the cards life has dealt & making the absolute best of it.

I am my most authentic self.

I am unapologetically myself, and don't change who I am for the sake of someone or something else. Unless, it's self-improvement. S' moo Babes are all about that!

I can do hard things.

Being a S'moo Babe means I make it a goal to do hard things, set goals & hold myself accountable. I not only earn self-respect, but it makes me happier than I could imagine!

I have the power to say no.

I know when it's time to sav no to what does not or no longer serves me. Saying no is vital to living the life I want and deserve!

I lead with an impact first mentality.

Being a S'moo Babe means I see the importance of empowering & uplifting other women. I make it a point to tell my other S'moo Babes or friends, something nice each day & make them smile!

I start with 5 minutes.

Consistency & micro goals are the way for S'moo Babes! By committing to just 5 minutes each day, I'm able to develop life-changing skills & break up a "bigger picture" goal into something daily & attainable.

I celebrate my wins & others.

As a S'moo Babe, I recognize that every small win is worth celebrating! I see the value in sharing my wins with my friends & other S'moo Babes, just like I see the value in celebrating their wins, as well.

I practice gratitude for my life, my body & anything else!

As a S'moo Babe, I make it a point to acknowledge what I'm grateful for each day. I appreciate what I DO have vs. being upset about what I DON'T have. By taking a moment to reflect or journaling it down, it gives me the opportunity to really acknowledge the abundance in my life.

I understand that Physical Health is not "one size fits all.”

Part of being a S' moo Babe is listening to my body & what it needs. I acknowledge that it's perfectly okay to go down the road less traveled when it comes to fitness. I can try dancing, roller skating,  Jiu Jitsu, or even just walking! I look for whatever sets my heart on FIRE.