Acne is a common problem for many women, and while it's often associated with the turbulent teenage years, adult acne can persist well beyond adolescence. In particular, hormonal acne can be an unwelcome guest at any age, often leaving behind acne scars that tell tales of past skin battles. However, there are solutions beyond conventional treatments, such as salicylic acid and benzoyl peroxide. Understanding how to treat hormonal acne from within can be a significant step in the journey toward clearer, healthier skin.

What Is Hormonal Acne?

Hormonal acne is a specific type of acne that is primarily triggered by imbalances in the body's hormone levels. The fluctuations in these hormone levels, particularly the ups and downs experienced during certain phases of a woman's menstrual cycle, can cause these breakouts. This acne typically presents itself as inflamed bumps, often filled with pus, predominantly targeting areas known as the “beard distribution,” such as the chin, jawline, and cheeks.

These troublesome blemishes are not just a mere annoyance; they can range in severity from relatively mild to particularly severe acne. The way that hormonal acne appears and develops can vary significantly from person to person; each individual's experience is unique based on their body's hormonal patterns and skin type.

Despite your age, skin type, or gender, you can fall prey to hormonal acne. Its presence is fundamentally linked to the delicate dance of hormones within our bodies, reinforcing the importance of understanding our hormonal health and its influence on our overall well-being and skin health. Therefore, looking for solutions to treat and manage hormonal acne often focuses on addressing the root cause, which is hormonal imbalances.

What Causes Hormonal Acne?

Hormonal acne is often associated with fluctuations in hormone levels that occur during certain stages of a woman's menstrual cycle. Increased levels of hormones, particularly male hormones (yes, ladies also have them!), known as androgens, stimulate the oil glands located beneath the skin. This stimulation boosts oil production in the sebaceous glands, causing them to produce more sebum. When the sebum combines with dead skin cells, it can clog pores, promoting skin inflammation and, thus, the formation of acne breakouts. 

Understanding how to balance male hormones for acne can be a vital part of managing this condition. This can be particularly true if you're experiencing excess production of these hormones, which often exacerbates the condition. Certain medications like spironolactone are often used for hormonal acne treatment, but it's worth exploring spironolactone alternatives for acne if you're leaning toward a more natural approach. Factors such as stress, poor diet, and imbalanced blood sugar levels can also exacerbate hormonal imbalances, leading to an increased risk of hormonal acne.

How to Treat Hormonal Acne Naturally?

1. Optimize Your Diet

Embarking on the journey to understand how to treat hormonal acne naturally requires us to dive deeper into our daily habits, especially with regard to our dietary choices. The types of foods we consume directly and significantly impact our hormone and blood sugar levels, two factors that closely interplay with the presence of hormonal acne on our skin.

One of the contributing factors to hormonal acne is a diet filled with processed foods and sugars. These types of foods are rapidly digested by the body, leading to sudden spikes in blood sugar levels. In response to these sugar highs, the body compensates by producing more insulin. An overproduction of insulin can upset the delicate hormonal balance, triggering our sebaceous glands to produce excess oil. This heightened oil production can result in clogged pores, leading to the formation of the dreaded acne breakouts.

The first step toward a healthier skin diet involves shifting your focus toward incorporating whole, nutrient-dense foods into your daily meals. These are foods that are packed with essential vitamins and minerals, promoting overall health, including skin health. Whole foods, including fresh fruits and vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains, have a lower glycemic index. This means they help balance blood sugar levels by slowly releasing sugar into the bloodstream, reducing the need for excess insulin production, and promoting healthy hormone levels.

Additionally, you can consider integrating foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids into your diet. Omega-3 fatty acids are known for their powerful anti-inflammatory properties. Foods like walnuts, chia seeds, and fish, especially fatty fish like salmon, are great sources of these healthy fats.

2. Natural Ingredients for Your Skincare

The quest for natural ingredients to treat hormonal acne offers a treasure trove of options. One such gem is tea tree oil, known for its anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties, which can reduce skin inflammation and fight acne-causing bacteria. You can also try olive oil, which is known for its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Olive oil can moisturize the skin without clogging pores, making it an excellent (and tasty!) natural remedy for acne.

In addition to tea tree and olive oil, there's another valuable resource available in your approach to treating hormonal acne naturally - hormone balance supplements for women. One such supplement is Ovary Good. Enriched with Zinc, Ovary Good has demonstrated efficacy in managing hormonal acne, due in part to Zinc's potential to aid in hormonal balance. Not only does Ovary Good support the reduction of androgen levels—a common culprit of hormonal acne—but it also contributes to maintaining overall hormonal equilibrium. In this way, Ovary Good can serve as a spironolactone alternative for acne, and a great addition to your natural acne treatment routine.

3. Exercising

The benefits of regular exercise extend far beyond merely supporting heart health or aiding in weight management. One aspect of our well-being that reaps the rewards of physical activity is our skin health, which can improve substantially through regular workouts. Exercise plays a crucial role in the pursuit of treating hormonal acne naturally. 

So, how exactly does exercise contribute to maintaining a healthy complexion? One of the ways is by helping to regulate our hormone levels. When you engage in physical activity, it assists in balancing the hormones that cause hormonal acne. Furthermore, integrating exercise with natural hormonal acne remedies can optimize the impact of both strategies.

Regular exercise also promotes enhanced blood circulation. An improvement in blood flow ensures that essential nutrients and oxygen are efficiently transported to your skin cells. This process can foster cell turnover, helping to keep your skin healthy, nourished, and better equipped to ward off acne-causing bacteria and inflammation.

We live in a fast-paced world where stress is often unavoidable, and unfortunately, heightened stress levels can throw our hormones out of balance. By engaging in regular physical activity, we can decrease stress levels, further supporting the delicate balance of hormones within our bodies and potentially reducing the likelihood of stress-induced acne breakouts.

Whether you find your solace in high-intensity workouts that make you sweat, prefer the gentle stretching and mindful breathing of yoga, or enjoy a brisk walk in the fresh air, all forms of exercise can contribute to this process. Your choice of activity doesn't limit the positive impact on your skin health, so choose a form of exercise that you enjoy and can maintain consistently.


Understanding how to treat hormonal acne naturally requires a holistic approach, considering various factors like diet, skincare, and lifestyle habits. By eating healthy, nutrient-dense foods, incorporating natural skincare ingredients, balancing hormones through products like Ovary Good, and maintaining a consistent exercise routine, you can take proactive steps toward managing your hormonal acne.

While these methods may not guarantee an overnight solution, consistent application and patience can lead to significant improvement over time. Each small step brings you closer to healthier, acne-free skin. Now that you're armed with knowledge on how to treat hormonal acne naturally, it's time to start your journey toward achieving the skin health you deserve.