Living with PCOS can feel overwhelming, but it is possible to manage its symptoms effectively through lifestyle changes and the right supplements. Inspired by the principles from Lissa Rankin, MD's book, "Mind Over Medicine", here are six steps to help you regulate your nervous system and stress response, promoting overall health and well-being.

1. Believe

While PCOS is not currently curable, it is entirely manageable with the right approach. They used to think the “4 Minute Mile” was humanly impossible, yet Roger Bannister ran it in 3:59 Minutes. Just because the cure has not been found, does not mean it does not exist. Maintaining hope can relax your nervous system and activate your body’s self-healing mechanisms.

2. Support

Surround yourself with people who love, trust, and nurture you. Supportive relationships can significantly impact your health by activating relaxation responses, which are crucial for managing PCOS due to high cortisol (stress) levels. Consider joining a PCOS support group like S'moo Babes to find your community and share your journey with others who understand your challenges.

3. Intuition

Listen to your "inner pilot light." Pay attention to what triggers your stress responses and take note. You know your body better than anyone. No amount of kale or green juices will counteract chronic stress responses, which are major contributors to exacerbated PCOS symptoms. Trust your intuition and make adjustments as needed.

4. Identify the Root Causes

Beyond your PCOS diagnosis, look into what might have triggered or exacerbated your symptoms. Identifying recent stressors can help you take appropriate lifestyle steps to reduce their impact. Ask yourself:

  • Did something activate your stress response lately?
  • How can you reduce this stress response to help alleviate your symptoms?

5. Assess Your Whole Health

Using the concept of "The Whole Health Cairn" from Rankin’s book, evaluate each aspect of your life by asking questions such as:

  • Which stones bring you peace? Which stones stress you out?
  • What is out of balance in your whole health cairn?

The goal is to identify which areas of your life may be causing stress and find ways to reduce it. Techniques such as meditation, creative activities, spending time in nature, finding community, or being with animals can be beneficial.

6. Surrender

As our founder, Karagan says "PCOS has been my biggest struggle, and my biggest blessing. PCOS doesn’t define who I am, yet it’s become part of who I am and given me a greater purpose to help others. Illness can be an opportunity for personal growth, and self-discovery. We just have to choose to look at it differently." 


This is not medical advice. Always consult with a healthcare provider for medical advice and treatment.

By incorporating these steps into your life, you can begin to manage PCOS more effectively, reducing stress and promoting overall well-being. Remember, health is a journey, not a destination, and every small step you take is a step towards a healthier you.

Credit to Lissa Rankin, MD - Sourced from her book: Mind Over Medicine