Health isn't a one-time destination but an ongoing journey, where little steps can lead to significant, lasting changes. Instead of making drastic shifts all at once, focus on incremental progress that fits seamlessly into your life. These small, sustainable actions will help you discover what works best for you, ultimately leading to a healthier and happier lifestyle. Here are 12 actionable tips to guide you on this path:

1. Prioritize Sleep and Rest

  • Establish a Routine: Set a consistent sleep schedule and create a relaxing bedtime routine.
  • Enjoy Quiet Time: Practice deep breathing, meditation, or prayer.
  • Connect with Nature: Spend time outside to relax and recharge.

2. Stay Hydrated

  • Always Be Ready: Keep a water bottle or a fun reusable cup and straw with you at all times.
  • Add Natural Flavors: Enhance your water with fresh fruits, veggies, or herbs like oranges, strawberries, cucumber, or mint.
  • Track Your Intake: Use an app to monitor your water consumption and stay accountable.

3. Home-Cooked Goodness

  • Explore New Recipes: Set a goal to try one or two new recipes each week.
  • Invest in Resources: Purchase a new cookbook or enroll in a cooking class for inspiration. Here are Karagan's favorite cookbooks.
  • Learn New Techniques: Watch online videos to master new cooking skills, from spiralizing zucchini to poaching fish to sou vide chicken. Karagan loves Masterclass!

4. Cut Down on Processed Foods

  • Crowd Out: Fill your plate with more whole, fresh foods to naturally reduce processed items.
  • Read Labels: Choose packaged foods with simple, whole ingredients.
  • DIY Snacks: Make homemade versions of your favorite processed snacks, like crackers or hummus.
  • Focus on High Quality Food: Aim for quality ingredients that are organic, and ethically raised. Our founder, Karagan loves shopping at Azure Organics which is a co-op that supports local farmers and has strict food guidelines. 

5. Move Regularly

  • Stay Active: Stand up every 30-60 minutes to keep your blood flowing.
  • Find Opportunities: Incorporate more movement into your day, like taking the stairs or parking further away.
  • Try New Activities: Experiment with different forms of exercise to find what you enjoy. Our founder, Karagan loves finding new ways to exercise and recently started rebounding. Get creative! 

6. Mindful Eating

  • Slow Down: Sit down for meals and chew thoroughly to aid digestion.
  • Engage Your Senses: Enjoy the colors, smells, and flavors of your food.
  • Disconnect: Put away devices during meals and consider relaxing music instead.

7. Increase Leafy Greens

  • Track Your Intake: Note how many servings of greens you eat each week and set a goal to increase it.
  • Diversify Your Greens: Experiment with different greens like arugula, dandelion greens, and watercress.
  • Incorporate Into Meals: Add spinach to your eggs, arugula to pasta, microgreens to sandwiches, or kale to smoothies.

8. Strengthen Relationships

  • Schedule Time: Plan regular meet-ups with friends or family, either in person or virtually.
  • Listen Actively: Give your full attention to others and practice listening more than speaking.
  • Share Compliments: Notice and express positive traits in others to boost their mood and yours.
  • Join a Support Group or Community: Meet friends and get support in a community dedicated to connecting women like S'moo Babes.

9. Enjoy Naturally Sweet Veggies

  • Satisfy Cravings: A baked sweet potato with cinnamon can curb your sweet tooth.
  • Get Creative: Incorporate naturally sweet veggies like beets, carrots, corn, and peas into your meals.
  • Snack Smart: Try oven-roasted peas or homemade sweet potato chips for a tasty treat.

10. Embrace Whole Grains

  • Make Simple Swaps: Replace white rice with brown rice or refined bread with whole wheat.
  • Try New Grains: Experiment with grains like quinoa, millet, buckwheat, teff, sorghum, or oats.
  • Pop Something New: Pop amaranth, sorghum, or millet for a healthy snack alternative to popcorn.
  • Try Making Sourdough Bread: Sourdough is a lower-glycemic option for bread. You can even try freshly milling grains for flour using a blender like our founder, Karagan does!

11. Nurture Body and Mind

  • Find Joy: Engage in activities that make you laugh and spend time with positive people.
  • Pause: Take deep breaths when feeling stressed or overwhelmed. The 4-7-8 breathing method is Karagan's favorite!
  • Journal: Write down your thoughts and feelings to help process stress.

12. Develop a Spiritual Practice

  • Start Small: Spend one minute each day focusing on your breath.
  • Send Positive Energy: Mentally send thoughts of peace, health, and happiness to others.
  • Give Back: Support a cause you care about with your time, money, or other resources.

These tips are here to help you find the practices that best support your journey to health. You don’t need to tackle them all at once. Choose one step to start with and plan how you’ll incorporate it into your life. Small, consistent actions can lead to profound, lasting change. How will you begin supporting your health this week?


The content provided in this blog is strictly based on personal opinion and experience. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health providers with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.