PCOS Myths That Need To Be Busted
Do you believe in unicorns?
Or are they another Myth in your book? It’s funny, information flows so freely through our phones and computers (books too if you ever pick one up) but we learn maybe .001% of what is in the world because there is just too much information out there.
For example did you know that scientifically unicorns are real? I didn’t! Every time I get a new hobby I’m blown away by what I learn and I realize it will take me years with countless mistakes before I learn it inside out. I drop everything for that one hobby and focus on it every second and it’s too big, too big unless I spend years and tons of energy on it.
Which brings me to PCOS. PCOS might not be a hobby but it’s a way of life that is going to take some time to learn and you’re going to make mistakes. So let’s go over some PCOS Myths!

Before we dive into PCOS myths (because I know that’s why you’re here), let's talk about Unicorns. Just a myth right? A story? A part of history? Well it turns out 29,000 years ago, unicorns did exist (however I feel like scientist should have named it something else because it isn’t the unicorn we know and love) “Real unicorns” aka Siberian Unicorns have been morphed by ancient stories to resemble the Barbie of rhinos when in reality it looks as if a rhino and buffalo had a baby! You’ll have to do more research on that if you want to know more because we are switching back to the reason you’re really here: PCOS Importance.
Before we jump in, it’s important to remember that for the longest time, even in todays world, PCOS hasn’t been well understood — even by some doctors — misinformation can impact diagnosis and treatment, and ultimately prevent a woman from effectively living well with PCOS so lets change that.
Myth: You’ll know for sure if you have PCOS
If you’ve been following the S’moo Blogs you know I’ve mentioned how common it is for women not to know what PCOS is, let alone be diagnosed with it. A lot of the PCOS symptoms; symptoms like acne, mood problems, and irregular periods, can be blamed on other causes like stress.
It’s important to go to work with both an ob-gyn and endocrinologist to get to the root cause. To learn more about what to ask your doctor/symptoms and the possible procedure of being diagnosed you can read my PCOS Blog Here.
Myth: If Your Menstrual Cycle Is Irregular, You Have PCOS
Stress among other things is a huge reason why your menstrual cycles might be irregular which we dove farther into in our blog “How Stress Effects You”.
However if it isn’t stress, extreme dieting, overexercising, thyroid disorder, breastfeeding, etc. It might also be PCOS. The bottom line is if your cycle is less than 22 days or greater than 34 days long, talk to your ob-gyn. Through an exam and by running additional tests as needed, your doctor can identify the likely cause.
Myth: You Can’t Get Pregnant if You Have PCOS
PCOS is a common cause of infertility. However, that doesn’t mean you should assume you won’t get pregnant. In high school a friend of mine was diagnosed with PCOS and was told she would have a hard time getting pregnant and so when she slept with her high school boyfriend without contraceptives.
Let’s just say that ended with a… baby. PCOS affects your hormones in a way that changes the ovary’s ability to release an egg to be potentially fertilized for pregnancy. But you can still get pregnant, both naturally or after fertility treatments. If you have PCOS and want to start a family, do no get discouraged if someone tells you it’s not possible. It is!
Myth: Everyone With PCOS Is Obese or Overweight
This is one of the largest misconceptions tied to PCOS. PCOS affects people in many different ways. It is more common to be overweight or obese with PCOS but PCOS women come in all shapes and sizes. The issue with this myth is that thin women might commonly be overlooked, and an obese woman with irregular periods might be inaccurately diagnosed with PCOS.
Myth: Women With PCOS Can Lose Weight Like Anyone Else
I actually watched this first hand with my sister and it was very difficult for her. It didn’t seem to matter what she did, she couldn’t lose the weight. Women with PCOS have a very difficult time losing weight often because of hormonal imbalances, inflammation and more.
Myth: You Have to Have Cysts on Your Ovaries to Have PCOS
Many women who have PCOS don’t have cysts on their ovaries, and having cysts doesn’t mean you have PCOS. To be fully diagnosed with PCOS, a woman needs to have two of the three conditions: androgen excess (signs include hirsutism, acne, hair loss), irregular menstruation, or multiple follicles/cystic ovaries)
Myth: Every Woman With PCOS Should Go on the Birth Control Pill
Hormonal birth control is a common way doctors treat the menstrual irregularities of PCOS. But here at S’moo we believe that the treatment for PCOS is hormonal health. We’ve seen lifestyle measures, like reducing stress and eating right and taking a daily scoop of S’moo regulate women’s bodies and get their hormones back in balance.
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This content is strictly the opinion of S'moo and is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended to provide medical advice or to take the place of medical advice or treatment from a personal physician. All readers/viewers of this content are advised to consult their doctors or qualified health professionals regarding specific health questions. Neither S'moo nor the publisher of this content takes responsibility for possible health consequences of any person or persons reading or following the information in this educational content. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement or lifestyle program.