Navigating the waves of menopause is a journey unique to every woman, yet the quest for relief from its symptoms is nearly universal. With an array of options available, from hormone replacement therapy to home remedies for menopause, making an informed choice can feel overwhelming. But hope is on the horizon. 

An increasing number of women are finding solace in natural remedies for menopause, ensuring that their transition is not just bearable, but empowering. Menopause supplements such as S’moo’s Ovary Good offer a comprehensive approach, ensuring that each menopausal woman can take control of her health journey with confidence and grace.


Phytoestrogens are naturally occurring compounds found in various plants. They have a structure similar to the estrogen hormone found in the human body, which allows them to mimic estrogen's effects. This has the potential to be particularly beneficial for menopausal women who experience a drop in estrogen levels.

Sources of Phytoestrogens 

  • Soy and soy-based products like tofu and tempeh.
  • Flaxseeds, which can be added to smoothies or yogurt.
  • Lentils, chickpeas, and other legumes.
  • Certain fruits such as apples and berries.
  • Grains like oats and barley.

If you're looking for a more holistic approach to managing your symptoms of menopause, considering menopause supplements like Ovary Good can be an excellent addition. With ingredients such as Ashwagandha, which treats symptoms like irregular periods and weight gain by restoring hormonal balance, and Vitamin D3, known to reduce inflammation and improve mood, it complements the benefits of phytoestrogens, aiming for overall well-being during the menopausal transition.

Breathing Exercises

One often overlooked yet highly effective method to minimize menopausal symptoms is the practice of targeted breathing exercises. While an automatic function, breathing can also be a consciously controlled activity that has a profound impact on our physical and emotional well-being. 

Deep Abdominal Breathing 

Also known as diaphragmatic breathing, this technique emphasizes deep, even breaths, allowing the diaphragm to expand and contract fully. Not only does it help reduce the intensity and frequency of hot flashes, but it also promotes relaxation, potentially easing other symptoms such as anxiety or sleep disturbances.

How to Practice:

  1. Sit or lie down in a comfortable position.
  2. Place one hand on your chest and the other on your abdomen.
  3. Breathe in deeply through your nose, letting your abdomen rise (the hand on your chest should remain still).
  4. Exhale slowly through your mouth, feeling your abdomen fall.

4-7-8 Breathing Technique 

Developed by Dr. Andrew Weil, this method is known for its ability to reduce anxiety and promote sleep – two concerns often associated with menopause. The process involves inhaling for a count of 4, holding the breath for 7 counts, and exhaling for 8 counts.

Considering menopause supplements like Ovary Good can further complement these benefits. Ingredients such as Magnesium Citrate promotes better sleep, working hand in hand with breathing exercises to ensure restful nights.


Meditation taps into the profound connection between the mind and body. By focusing on the present moment and practicing mindfulness, women can achieve a sense of inner calm and balance, which can significantly reduce the severity of menopausal symptoms. This practice fosters a heightened awareness of bodily sensations, including the onset of hot flushes, allowing for early intervention and management.

Benefits of Meditation for Menopausal Symptoms

  • Stress Reduction: One of the primary benefits of meditation is its ability to reduce stress. Given that stress can exacerbate many symptoms of menopause, including irregular periods and blood pressure fluctuations, keeping it in check is paramount.
  • Improved Sleep: Meditation can also combat sleep disturbances. By calming the mind before bedtime, it can facilitate a deeper and more restful sleep.
  • Emotional Regulation: Mood swings are common during menopause. Meditation promotes emotional well-being and can help in managing irritability, anxiety, and bouts of sadness.

Starting a meditation practice can be as simple as dedicating a few minutes each day to focus on your breath. There are also numerous guided meditations available online, specifically designed for menopausal women, which provide step-by-step instructions and targeted relief.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E is not only famed for its skin-enhancing properties but also stands as a beacon for those navigating the turbulent waters of menopause. Often overshadowed by more conventional treatments, Vitamin E's role in providing relief from menopausal symptoms cannot be understated. A potent antioxidant, it plays a protective role in the body and can be an integral part of natural remedies for menopause.

Benefits of Vitamin E for Menopausal Symptoms:

  • Hot Flashes Reduction: One of the most commonly reported benefits of Vitamin E for menopausal women is its ability to lessen the severity and frequency of hot flashes, those sudden waves of heat that can be both uncomfortable and disruptive.
  • Heart Health: The risk of heart disease can increase post-menopause. Vitamin E's antioxidant properties play a role in maintaining cardiovascular health, helping to keep blood vessels healthy and blood pressure levels in check.
  • Skin Health: Menopausal women often report skin dryness. Vitamin E's moisturizing properties can help alleviate skin dryness, maintaining a radiant complexion.
  • Bone Health: Though research is ongoing, some studies suggest that Vitamin E might play a role in supporting bone health, vital for postmenopausal women at risk of bone loss.

Foods naturally rich in Vitamin E include:

  • Nuts and seeds, especially almonds and sunflower seeds.
  • Green leafy vegetables like spinach and broccoli.
  • Vegetable oils, such as sunflower, wheat germ, and olive oil.
  • Fatty fish like salmon or trout.

Pairing Vitamin E with comprehensive menopause supplements like Ovary Good can further optimize its effects. With ingredients such as Zinc Gluconate, which combats inflammation, and Myo-Inositol, promoting regular menstrual cycles, the combined benefits can be significant.

Vitamin D

Often referred to as the "sunshine vitamin", Vitamin D plays a multifaceted role in maintaining our health. As women progress through the menopause transition, the importance of this nutrient magnifies, offering support and relief from some menopausal symptoms. As more women lean into natural menopause treatments that really work, Vitamin D stands out as a powerful ally in this journey.

Benefits of Vitamin D for Menopausal Symptoms:

  • Bone Health: One of the most pressing concerns for postmenopausal women is the risk of osteoporosis. Vitamin D is pivotal in aiding calcium absorption in the gut, a process vital for maintaining bone density and strength.
  • Mood Regulation: Several studies indicate a correlation between low Vitamin D levels and mood disturbances, including depression. Ensuring adequate Vitamin D can help stabilize mood and reduce the risk of depressive episodes.
  • Heart Health: Postmenopausal women face an elevated risk of heart disease. Vitamin D has been linked to heart health, playing a role in regulating blood pressure and supporting overall cardiovascular function.
  • Weight Management: There is emerging evidence suggesting that Vitamin D might assist in weight management, which is beneficial given the potential for weight gain during menopause.

Natural sunlight is a primary source of Vitamin D. Spending time outdoors, especially during sunny days, can help boost Vitamin D levels. However, factors like living in northern latitudes, using sunscreen, or having darker skin can reduce Vitamin D synthesis.

Dietary sources include:

  • Fatty fish like salmon, mackerel, and sardines.
  • Fortified foods, such as dairy products and cereals.
  • Egg yolks and beef liver.

Supplementation can also be considered, especially if natural sources are limited. In fact, Ovary Good includes Vitamin D3, specifically chosen for its ability to lower inflammation, reduce androgen levels, and uplift mood.

Lifestyle Changes Required

Navigating the transformative phase of menopause requires more than just a keen understanding of one's body. It demands a holistic approach, intertwining diet, exercise, and lifestyle adjustments to manage and alleviate symptoms. While menopause holistic remedies and supplements like Ovary Good provide targeted support, integrating lifestyle changes can further enhance one's well-being during this transition.

Better Sleep

Sleep disturbances are a common complaint among menopausal women. Achieving consistent, restorative sleep is fundamental for overall health and mood regulation. Sleep is intricately tied to hormone regulation. Disrupted sleep can exacerbate menopausal symptoms like mood swings, fatigue, and irritability.

Avoid Alcohol

While an occasional glass of wine might seem harmless, alcohol can influence estrogen levels and aggravate hot flashes. Alcohol can disrupt sleep patterns and exacerbate menopausal symptoms like night sweats. Additionally, excessive consumption can increase the risk of bone loss and cardiovascular issues.

Be Careful of Your Body Weight

Menopause often coincides with metabolic changes that can lead to weight gain. Maintaining a healthy weight is essential for managing symptoms and preventing associated health risks. Excess weight, especially around the midsection, can intensify hot flashes and increase the risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, and diabetes.

Quit Smoking

Smoking has a slew of health risks, and for menopausal women, these risks are even more pronounced. Smoking can lead to earlier onset of menopause and increase the severity of hot flashes. It also heightens the risk of osteoporosis and cardiovascular diseases.


Menopause, while a natural part of life, brings with it a spectrum of symptoms that can challenge even the most resilient among us. However, armed with knowledge and the right tools, this phase can be approached with optimism. From the holistic relief offered by meditation and breathing exercises to the tangible benefits of vitamins and dietary adjustments, there are menopause natural treatments that genuinely work. 

Integrating these strategies with potent menopause supplements like Ovary Good paves the way for a smoother transition. Every woman deserves to find her unique path to wellness during menopause, and with these natural and holistic remedies, that path becomes clear and attainable. Embracing the journey, with its highs and lows, allows for a fulfilling and enriching experience, marking menopause as not just an end but a vibrant new beginning.
