What is your go-to drink? Is it soda, juice, an energy drink? Whatever your current go-to drink is, here is one your should consider: tea!

Tea contains a variety of compounds that are beneficial for women with PCOS. While tea alone will have a small effect on your overall PCOS, paired with other PCOS hacks, it can make a difference. Plus, there are also other benefits to drinking tea. If you can add tea into your daily routine, it is a healthy choice that can replace other drinks such as soda, coffee etc.

Tea: What Is In It?

The three types of tea are categorized according to their processing methods:  green (non-fermented), black (fermented), and oolong (semi-fermented). Tea leaves naturally contain some health-promoting compounds. Tea contains the following main components:

Amino Acids

The amino acid L-theanine found in tea reduces stress and improves cognitive functions despite its negligible protein content.


Polyphenols are natural compounds found in plants that contribute to the health benefits of tea. There are approximately 30-42% polyphenols, mainly flavonoids, in the leaves of a dry tea plant. Flavonoids are natural antioxidants. Most flavonols are catechins or tannins, which are also known as flavonols or flavonoids. A few flavonols found in tea include catechins (C), epicatechins (EC), epi catechin gallates (ECG), gallocatechins (GC), epigallocatechins (EGC), and epigallocatechin gallates (EGCG).

Minerals & Vitamins

Minerals and vitamins aren't extremely plentiful in tea, but it contains magnesium,  vitamin C, thiamin (B1), potassium, fluoride, beta carotene, and folate in small amounts.


The concentration of caffeine in six to eight ounces (one serving) of white, green, and black teas ranged from 14 to 61 mg. The caffeine content of an 8 oz cup of coffee is between 80 and 100 mg. One serving of decaffeinated tea contains less than 12 mg of caffeine. Caffeine is not present in herbal teas.

What PCOS Symptoms Can Be Relieved by Tea?

The health benefits of PCOS tea are so important for PCOS sufferers. PCOS teas may be helpful in relieving common symptoms alongside lifestyle changes such as healthy eating, exercise and  PCOS supplements.

Weight loss

PCOS is associated with obesity in up to 70% of cases. Some studies show that there may be a small role for tea in weight loss. Green tea was examined for its effect on weight loss in PCOS in this double-blind, randomized controlled 12-week study. Compared to the control group that did not lose weight, the green tea group lost 5% of their body weight by taking 500 mg capsules twice a day.

Act as antioxidants

Studies have shown that people with PCOS are more prone to oxidative stress than those without. Oxidative stress produces harmful free radicals that antioxidants neutralize. Participants' blood antioxidant activity was increased after drinking 300 ml of green tea or black tea (2 g tea solid added to 300 ml water). Green tea consumption increased antioxidant activity by 1.5 times compared with black tea consumption.

Lowering androgens

Stress is reduced by tea, and androgen excess is the heart of PCOS. Specific types of tea, such as spearmint and green tea, are known to reduce androgen levels.

Improved cholesterol level

Triglycerides (TG) and LDL ("bad") cholesterol levels are higher in people with PCOS. Additionally, heart disease is more likely to occur. Fortunately, tea may help with all of them. During a six-year study, over 80,000 participants were monitored on their tea consumption to determine if tea consumption affected HDL-C concentrations. According to the study, individuals who drink tea frequently have a slower age-related decrease in HDL-C and TG/HDL-C and TC/HDL-C ratios. An 8% reduction in CVD risk was associated with a decline in age-related HDL-C. Black and green tea were most effective, while herbal teas and flowering teas were less effective. Compared to a caffeinated placebo, adults with mild hypercholesterolemia were given five servings of black tea per day for three weeks, which resulted in a 6.5% reduction in total cholesterol and a 11.1% reduction in LDL-c.

Decreased stress

PCOS is commonly associated with heightened cortisol levels which may cause you to feel stressed all the time. PCOS symptoms can be worsened by stress. Get a cup of tea and sit down! One study found that participants who consumed tea before stressful tasks tended to have lower cortisol levels at 50 minutes afterward.

Herbal infusions help reduce testosterone

Spearmint herbal tea or rather "infusions" have been shown to be useful in the treatment of PCOS hirsutism, even though they are not technically "teas." Additionally, licorice infusions may reduce testosterone levels because the enzyme 17-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase is blocked. Also the licorice plant may also be beneficial for polycystic ovary syndrome and hirsutism, according to research.

Benefits of Tea for PCOS

Here are some benefits of teas for PCOS:

Improve insulin sensitivity

Most people with PCOS suffer from insulin resistance. A meta-analysis of 17 randomized controlled trials suggests tea decreases fasting blood sugar, HbA1c, and fasting insulin levels. Green tea also decreased insulin levels in another study.

Gut health tea for gut health

PCOS tends to alter the gut microbiome. There is even evidence that the gut microbiome plays a role in the development of PCOS. The ideal microbiome is unknown, but diet plays a significant role in maintaining it. Additionally, drinking tea may help. Polyphenols can be found in black and green teas. Researchers have found that polyphenols promote the growth of "good" bacteria while decreasing the growth of "bad" bacteria.

Tea helps prevent weight gain and insulin resistance.

Agricultural and Food Chemistry recently published a study by Kobe University that found overweight mice given a diet high in fat and regular black and green tea reduced their weight gain. Additionally, hypercholesterolemia and insulin resistance, both conditions associated with diabetes type 2, were most positively influenced by black tea.

Tea enhances mood and helps with anxiety.

An amino acid called L-theanine, found naturally in green tea, is responsible for its calming effect. In fact, caffeine's effects are actually counteracted by the action of this amino acid on nerves. In humans, L-theanine induces relaxation within thirty to forty minutes of ingestion through at least two mechanisms. By directly stimulating alpha brain waves, this amino acid causes a feeling of deep relaxation and alertness, much like meditation. As a second benefit, L-theanine stimulates the release of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA).

Relaxation is caused by the interaction of GABA with serotonin and dopamine, which are both neurotransmitters.

Tea is a wonderful source of antioxidants.

We consume a large amount of flavonoids through tea. About 30 different polyphenolic compounds are found in flavonoids in tea. Studies have been conducted extensively on these compounds to determine their benefits for tea. Antioxidants are found in polyphenols, which contain catechin molecules. There are catechins in every tea composed of Camellia sisensis. The most important catechin in tea is EGCG, which is a powerful antioxidant. When free radicals combine with tea's antioxidants, free radicals are neutralized. Avoid bottled stuff. In preliminary studies reported at a meeting of the American Chemical Society, bottled tea contains less antioxidant polyphenols (less than 45 mg) than home-brewed teas (about 50 to 150 mg).


Tea also appears to lower the risk of cancer, although this isn't specific to PCOS. Researchers have concluded that two flavonols in tea are most effective anticancer compounds: theaflavin-3,3′-digallate in black tea and epigallocatechin-3-gallate in green tea.

10 Best Teas For PCOS

Variety is the fun part! So let's discuss about the best teas for pcos!

Peppermint tea

Antibacterial and antioxidant properties, as well as calming effects, make it beneficial for digestive upsets.

Green tea

A powerful anti-inflammatory antioxidant that lowers free testosterone and fasting insulin levels.

Black tea

Improves gut health and cholesterol profile, has anti-inflammatory properties which is why it is considered an effective tea for PCOS.

Our founder Karagan loves drinking Black Tea boiled with Cardamom, Anise Pods, and Cinnamon. She adds Stevia to sweeten and make it a calorie free, sweet treat!

Spearmint tea

May help reduce hirsutism among women with PCOS due to its anti-androgen effects.

Ginger tea

Gingerols, shogaols, and paradols are among the phenolic compounds found in this fruit, which have anti-carcinogenic, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory properties. Hypertension and chronic heart disease may be reduced by it.

Turmeric tea

Curcumin, an active ingredient in turmeric, is anti-inflammatory and beneficial for arthritis and metabolic syndrome.

Cinnamon tea

Insulin resistance may be reduced by cinnamon. Additionally, it contains antioxidants and regulates menstruation.

Chamomile tea

An antioxidant called apigenin makes this tea "calming.". The tea may help you sleep by calming you down.

Tulsi tea

Antioxidant compounds are released, preventing cancer. Stress-resistance and metabolic protection.

Hibiscus tea

Contains antioxidants and improves lipid profile by decreasing total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, and increasing HDL cholesterol.


The majority of PCOS-friendly beverages are loaded with sugar or artificial sweeteners. It gets boring drinking plain water. Tea is a perfect alternative and can become your favorite drink for PCOS!  Health benefits include lowering androgen levels and reducing the risk of heart disease. The best part is that tea comes in so many flavors and varieties!

Medical disclaimer:

*The content in this article is provided for informational purposes only. This is not intended to prevent, diagnose, treat, or cure any health conditions. It is not a substitute for professional medical advice or consultation. Talk to your doctor before making changes to your healthcare regimen.