Brain Fog: Symptoms And How Do These Work?
Brain fog is a huge complaint for people and no wonder... your brain is always "on." Your heartbeat, breathing, movements, thoughts makes it a 24/7 workout. So how do we make sure it operates smoothly? What you eat directly effects how your brain functions and let's face it, your mood, your clarity and the domino effect begins.
Brain fog symptoms: Brain fog or cognitive dysfunction is a combination of memory problems, poor concentration, inability to focus or lack of mental clarity.
What is causing your brain fog?
Here are the 6 common causes that could be affecting your mental clarity.

1: Diet
To me this is the most important because you can do something about it right now! We were just talking about the fuel your brain needs. I've found a few studies that support this. One study found that a daily serving of leafy green vegetables like spinach or kale was associated with slower age-related cognitive decline. Which if it can keep your brain active for longer, it has to be good for it.
Another study found that a diet that includes fish regularly is associated with higher cognitive function and slower age-related cognitive decline.
If you're still experiencing brain fog, also try avoiding trigger foods. Sometimes unknown food allergies or sensitivities can case brain fog after eating certain foods. Gluten, MSG, aspartame (present in 6,000 products around the world), or diary to name a few.
Avoid extra salt! One study done on mice found that increased levels of salt in their diet increased levels of protein tau which is found in the brain of people with Alzheimers. Having a high salt diet isn't just bad for your mind, it can cause high blood pressure and increase the risk for heart disease, stroke, kidney failure, and more.
If you're vegan, it's possible you could have a vitamin B-12 deficiency as vitamin B12 is naturally found in animal products, including fish, meat, poultry, eggs, milk, and milk products.
Vitamin B-12 supplements support healthy brain function and can reduce brain fog.
2: Stress
How often do we talk about stress? It can do so many crazy things to your body and your brain. If you look back at your life, it's probably no secret that stress can cause brain fog. Check out this blog on how to manage stress.
3: Lack of Sleep
8-9 hours of sleep per night is important for many functions of your body. Not getting enough sleep is linked with sickness, a lower sex drive, weight gain, accidents, & brain fog to name a few.
4: Hormonal Changes
Have you ever been forgetful around the time of your period? Hormone levels fluctuating during your time of month or during pregnancy can affect memory and may cause short-term cognitive impairment.
This can also happen during menopause when estrogen levels drop, causing brain fog and forgetfulness. Women have been talking about S'moo and how it has helped balanced their hormones and in some cases helped with brain fog.
5: Medications
Whenever you start a new medication be mindful of side effects, note anything you're experiencing that is out of the ordinary. Brain fog may be a known side effect of the new medication you're taking so talk to you doctor to see if there are other drugs that may improve your symptoms or possibly a lower dosage.
6: Depression
Depression can be extremely powerful and left untreated it can cause more than just brain fog. Overcoming depression is possible with the right help. There are also supplements that can help naturally balance your mood like inositol which studies have shown that people suffering from depression often have lower levels of. Inositol may help balance important chemicals in your brain, it's also an ingredient in S'moo as well as ashwagandha which has been known to help with depression.
You're all too familiar with the feeling, you can't find that word or remember a name. It's easy to write it off or blame it on aging but don't forget you can take back control and cure brain fog. Start with reviewing some of the common causes of brain fog and see if any of them are relatable.
Don't forget that you can reduce brain fog with lifestyle choices and enhance your brain function. Just remember to focus on these simple things:
- Having a well-balanced diet
- Get 8-9 hours of sleep a night
- Practicing good habits to reduce stress
- Exercising regularly
Medical Disclaimer
This content is strictly the opinion of S'moo and is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended to provide medical advice or to take the place of medical advice or treatment from a personal physician. All readers/viewers of this content are advised to consult their doctors or qualified health professionals regarding specific health questions. Neither S'moo nor the publisher of this content takes responsibility for possible health consequences of any person or persons reading or following the information in this educational content. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement or lifestyle program.