What’s going through your mind as you plan for a baby? Maybe you’ve been thinking about all the things you sacrifice during pregnancy… including your favorite food and drinks. Alas, a temporary goodbye to sushi and sake night. And go ahead and eat all the subs now – because it’s gonna be a long nine months before you see your pal Jimmy John again. 

So should you be changing what you put in your body before getting pregnant? Find out what you can do to prepare your body for pregnancy – we share seven reasons to take prenatal vitamins when trying to conceive.  

Do Prenatal Supplements Improve Pregnancy Chances and Increase Fertility?

You may be wondering, do prenatals help you get pregnant? Some people avoid them if they’re not ready for a baby – but it’s a myth that prenatals boost fertility.

The truth is prenatals won’t get you pregnant, but they do prepare your body for pregnancy. So if starting a family is in your nearish future, it may be time to start taking prenatals. 

The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) says women should take prenatal vitamins before and during pregnancy. They help prevent birth defects and protect your baby from serious health problems. [1]  Keep reading to find out when to start taking prenatals if you’re planning to start a family.

What Is Included in Prenatal Vitamins?

A daily women’s multivitamin has the nutrients to supplement a healthy diet. But in pregnancy, your nutritional needs change. You need more micronutrients to support changing energy levels and an increased blood supply. Your baby needs essential nutrients to grow and develop

The American Pregnancy Association says prenatal vitamins should include these ingredients: [2]

  • Folic acid
  • Iron
  • Vitamins A, C, D, and E
  • Calcium
  • Magnesium
  • Zinc
  • Iodine

Folic acid is a type of B vitamin, and it’s one of the most important nutrients to get during pregnancy. It’s the synthetic form of folate – so look for either on a label. 

7 Reasons Why You Need Prenatals Before Trying to Get Pregnant

Talk to your OB-GYN when you’re ready to start trying for a baby. Preconception health care is recommended for women of reproductive age. [3] It prevents the risk of premature birth and infant mortality. Talk to your doctor about how your health conditions will be managed during pregnancy. Ask which medications are safe to continue when you become pregnant. 

You can prepare for conception by making healthy lifestyle choices now. Preconception is the time to cut back on alcohol and stop smoking. Maintain a healthy weight and be physically active. And buy a prenatal vitamin that supports a healthy baby and mama. Taking prenatal vitamins while trying to conceive benefits you in these ways…

1. Prepares Your Eggs

Where do you see yourself in three months? If getting pregnant is possible, it’s time to start investing in your eggs. It takes 90 days for eggs to develop before they’re released – so now’s a good time to nourish them.

2. Supports the Earliest Days of Pregnancy 

If you’re closely tracking your cycle, you’ll catch a positive pregnancy test right away. But did you know that by the time you get a positive test, you’ll already be 4 weeks along? Women who get pregnant with irregular cycles may have an even longer “wait and see” period. Start taking a prenatal vitamin to cover the days before you know you’re pregnant.

3. Helps You Stock Up on Nutrients

The first trimester of pregnancy brings many changes – including the dreaded morning sickness. Prepare your body now for the days when nausea and food aversions make it hard to eat anything. Think of pre-pregnancy as a time to “stock up” on nutrients. Eat a balanced diet and take prenatals before trying to conceive. 

4. Supports Fetal Brain Development

Folic acid helps the neural tube form, which later becomes the brain. Low folic acid levels can lead to birth defects called neural tube defects. The CDC says anyone who can become pregnant should take at least 400 mcg of folic acid per day. [4] Try S’moo Prenatal Multivitamins, which contain 600 mcg of folic acid per serving. 

5. Builds Strength

Calcium and vitamin D support strong bones and healthy nervous systems. It’s never too early to start preparing your body for the strength it takes to carry another human! 

In addition to prenatals, you can get calcium from your diet by eating foods like: 

  • Dairy 

  • Fish

  • Beans

  • Green leafy vegetables 

  • Fortified cereals

Calcium helps the baby’s heart, musculoskeletal, and nervous systems develop. Pregnant women need 1,000 mg of calcium per day. [5] 

6. Prevents Iron Deficiency in Pregnancy

You know those nutrient stores your body relies on in pregnancy? Iron is one of them. During pregnancy, your blood volume increases by 30-50%. [6] It’s important to keep up with the demand by getting plenty of iron before and during pregnancy. 

Iron deficiency anemia is common in pregnancy – it’s a potential cause of fatigue and weakness. Prevent it by eating iron-rich foods and making sure your prenatals contain iron. S’moo Prenatal Multivitamins contain 100% of the daily recommendation. 

7. Reduces the Chance of Birth Defects

Birth defects can be the result of genetic or chromosomal problems. They can also happen from exposure to harmful substances during fetal development. Prenatal vitamins prevent birth defects by supporting baby’s growth and development.

Risk factors for birth defects include: [1]

  • Having a family history or a child with a birth defect
  • Advanced age
  • Drinking, smoking, or substance use during pregnancy 
  • Certain medications
  • Obesity
  • Diabetes

Limit your exposure to harmful agents during pregnancy to prevent birth defects. 

Choose the Best Prenatal Vitamins 

Pre-pregnancy lifestyle changes may feel like a commitment – but they don’t have to. Consider each small change as one step toward holding your happy, healthy baby. 

Prepare your body for pregnancy with S’moo Prenatal Multivitamins. You can continue taking them into pregnancy to support your baby’s development. For now, enjoy your sushi, but maybe hold off on the sake bombs… 

Medical disclaimer:

*The content in this article is provided for informational purposes only. This is not intended to prevent, diagnose, treat, or cure any health conditions. It is not a substitute for professional medical advice or consultation. Talk to your doctor before making changes to your healthcare regimen. 


  1. Reducing risks of birth defects
  2. Prenatal vitamin ingredients
  3. Unintended pregnancy
  4. Folic acid
  5. Calcium in pregnancy
  6. How to treat iron deficiency naturally during pregnancy