Hey girl, I wanted to know if you want to start the #Smoo45 with me!? It’s 45 days of keeping track of your life and aiming for a goal, it’s about being back on track. Your goals could be short or long, they could be a personal goal like being healthy or a long time dream/hobby you keep pushing off. Those are just some examples.

I’m not going to lie, Covid has kicked me in the butt and I’ve had a hard time staying accountable. I have dreams I’ve put aside waiting for the world to start again in order to start my life again too but I’m done waiting. There is no better time to get motivated than today. 

You can now get the Smoo45 Planner with a weekly breakdown before each week so you can recap and figure out your goals. It also has a daily planner, checklist and there is even a place to do a little gratitude journal entry each day. 

Smoo45 Challenge

1: It's You & 45 Days

Some things will be harder than others as we work to keep ourselves accountable over the next 45 days. Like for me, drinking enough water and also the gratitude journal entry is a hard one for me. If you feel that way too, we just have to remember there is no wrong answer for any of this. This is like a private journal, you don’t have to share if you don’t want to.

So why 45 days? Is this some magic number? Yes and no, we wanted to create enough days that this starts to feel easy. Repetition is key when it comes to forming any kind of habit. That’s what makes it a habit and why they are so hard to break, because we’ve done it so much. The Smoo45 is establishing that same concept… just with good habits!

If you make time for the Smoo45 and use the checklist and follow the prompts, then you are forming healthy and happy moments that you’re repeating everyday for 45 days. This brings you so much closer to making these super healthy actions into habits that form a healthier, happier life.

2: How Can I Complete Smoo45 Challenge?

I know what you’re thinking… or maybe it’s just me. Do I have time for this? Well, we make time for what is important to us and your happiness and health should be the most important thing because it’s you! And you’re awesome and beautiful and strong. Though keep in mind, being all those awesome things doesn’t mean you’re ready for the Smoo45 which is okay too. It will be here for when you are ready.

If you want to do this with me, I'll even help you! Just text Smoo45 to +1 562-262-4755 and I’ll send you little reminders, and motivators as I go, to hopefully keep us both on track.

So let’s do this! Get your Planner Here!