Hot Flashes Caused By Things Other Than Menopause

There is no doubt that hot flashes are common among menopausal women, but sometimes these flashes are not at all related to menopause. Even though you may not be experiencing hot flashes as a result of menopause. The question is, what can cause hot flashes other than menopause? There are a few things that are important to know for you to be able to identify the cause and receive treatment for the real underlying issues.

What Are Hot Flashes?

In a hot flash, you will feel sudden heat in your upper body, most noticeable in the face, chest, and neck. Your skin may redden as if you are blushing. It is also possible to sweat during a hot flash. It is possible to feel chilled after losing too much body heat. During the night, night sweats can also disrupt your sleep due to hot flashes.

Symptoms of Hot Flashes

A hot flush is a common symptom of menopause, but sometimes the hot flashes aren't because of menopause at all. 

First, let's talk about what a hot flash feels like:  feeling of warmth, usually in the neck, chest, and face area. You feel the heat as blood rushes to your veins near the skin, causing your veins to dilate, whereas your blood is simultaneously cooled. During hot flashes, you might perspire; afterward, your body might feel chilly. There is also the possibility of experiencing:

  • A flushed or reddened appearance to the skin
  • Excessive sweating
  • Warm feeling
  • Palpitations or racing heart
  • Having dizziness

In most cases, hot flashes appear suddenly and resolve within a few minutes. A hot flash usually lasts for less than five minutes. Nevertheless, they can have a significant impact on sleep, and many people report losing sleep as a result of night sweats that occur.

During menopause, hot flashes are believed to be related to hormonal changes and changes in the body's thermostat (hypothalamus), but experts aren't sure how they develop. 

Underlying Causes of Hot Flashes

Menopause may cause other underlying symptoms. Some studies show that if you cure the underlying problem, the symptoms will likely disappear even if you are menopausal.

1. Depression and Anxiety

A person might experience hot flashes as a result of anxiety or stress, both of which can be caused by depression. When you suffer from depression, stress, or anxiety, it can happen more randomly than when you feel really nervous and sweat. Feeling stressed or moody more often than usual, or not feeling as happy as usual, may indicate you need help. Treatment for depression and stress can include therapy as well as healthy eating and exercise.

2. Hyperthyroidism

Hot flashes are one of the symptoms that are associated with hyperthyroidism (an overactive thyroid). A person with hyperthyroidism does not always experience hot flashes during menopause, but since your thyroid affects the hormones in your body, it makes sense that it could be contributing to them. Especially since hormones are an issue that can contribute to hot flashes during menopause. If your thyroid is overactive, then you are most likely to also experience other symptoms, such as weight loss and irregular bowel movements. 

3. Food

When you eat spicy foods, do you break out in a sweat? Yes, that is a hot flash. The eating of foods you are sensitive to can also cause hot flashes. Food allergies and food sensitivities can cause milder symptoms than severe allergic reactions such as rashes, breathing difficulties, vomiting, and other severe symptoms.

Some people are especially sensitive to the effects of caffeine, which dilates their blood vessels and can cause a hot flash.

4. Being Overweight

Menopause is associated with an increase in hot flashes when women become obese. You can greatly improve your overall well-being when you eat healthily and exercise, since obesity increases chronic inflammation that leads to cancer, heart disease, and sexual dysfunction. Women who experience hot flashes and are not menopausal may also want to check to make sure they are not pregnant if they suddenly gain a few kilograms.

5. Too Many Blankets, Hyperhidrosis, Lymphoma, and Infection

Hot flashes commonly occur at night, disrupting sleep patterns for those who suffer from them. It's possible that you turned up the radiator or added an extra blanket when you felt cold before going to bed.

A good night's sleep is essential. Having trouble sleeping during menopause can also cause women to have hot flashes and depression. Changing our sleeping hours and times constantly disrupts our circadian rhythm and leaves us constantly jet-lagged, which negatively affects our physical and mental health. 

Hot flashes can also be caused by hyperhidrosis (a condition in which you sweat excessively) or lymphoma. It is possible to experience hot flashes if you have an infection such as tuberculosis, endocarditis, HIV, and others. Seek medical attention if you are experiencing hot flashes at night that are unexplained.

6. Smoking

Women who smoke more often have hot flashes during menopause, even if they don't smoke on their own. Thus, even if you are still menopausal, you might be able to stop having hot flashes if you give up smoking.

7. Medicines

There are several medications that may cause hot flashes, including birth control pills, so if you are taking any of these medications, be sure to read about any potential side effects and discuss this with your doctor if you have them.

Managing Hot Flashes

You can reduce your temperature once hot flashes start by making lifestyle changes. The following are among them: 

  • If you feel a hot flash, try drinking some water or juice.
  • Cool your chest or face with an ice pack during hot flashes. Cold compresses may be helpful if you experience night sweats.
  • As soon as the hot flash begins, remove clothing from your body.

As well as regulating your temperature throughout the day, you can prevent hot flashes by taking the following steps:

  • Hot flashes may be exacerbated by stress.
  • If you experience hot flashes, stay away from spicy food, alcohol, coffee, and hot tea.
  • Maintain a regular eating schedule and avoid large meals.
  • Use breathable bed sheets and wear breathable fabrics like cotton.
  • Keeping a journal of hot flash triggers will help you to understand what causes them.

If you think a hormonal imbalance may be the reason behind your hot flashes, try Hormone Balance Supplements for a natural remedy.

Can You Treat Hot Flashes?

According to the cause, it varies. Depending on the cause of your hot flashes, your doctor may be able to suggest a new or different kind of treatment that will reduce or cure them. You might be able to adjust your situation slightly. Change a few daily habits if lifestyle factors that could be causing them. Try tracking your symptoms and see if you have any lasting results. 

Medications for Hot Flashes

Taking estrogen can relieve hot flashes discomfort, but this hormone carries some risks as well. A woman who begins estrogen therapy within ten years after her last period or before 60 can experience greater benefits than risks if estrogen is appropriate for her.

Hormone Therapy

Heat flashes can be reduced by estrogen. After having a hysterectomy, most women can take estrogen alone. Progesterone and estrogen can protect your uterus (if you still have one) from endometrial cancer.


There is only one non-hormonal treatment approved for hot flashes by the Federal Drug Administration. Hot flashes can also be treated with antidepressants such as:

  • Venlafaxine (Effexor XR)
  • Paroxetine (Paxil, Pexeva)
  • Citalopram (Celexa)
  • Escitalopram (Lexapro) 

Other Prescription Medications

Some women may also benefit from the following medications:

Gabapentin. Hot flashes are moderately reduced with gabapentin, an antiseizure medication. It can cause drowsiness, dizziness, edema, and fatigue as side effects.

Pregabalin (Lyrica). Hot flashes can be reduced with Pregabalin, another anti-seizure medication. Weight gain, dizziness, drowsiness, and difficulty concentrating are possible side effects.

Oxybutynin (Ditropan XL, Oxytrol). Most often, oxybutynin is used for treating urinary conditions such as overactive bladders. Women who suffer from hot flashes may also benefit from it. Constipation, nausea, dizziness, and dry mouth are possible side effects.

Clonidine (Catapres, Kapvay, others). A drug called clonidine may help alleviate hot flashes, typically associated with high blood pressure. Constipation, dizziness, drowsiness, and dry mouth are some of the side effects. 

Nerve Block Procedure

Hot flashes have shown promise when treated with the stellate ganglion block, but more research is needed. A neck nerve cluster is injected with an anesthetic. Pain management has been achieved with the treatment. Bruising and pain are common side effects.

Natural Supplements

Natural supplements can help relieve symptoms like hot flashes especially those associated with a hormonal imbalance. Check out these Hormone Balance Supplements or our best selling supplement, Ovary Good for more information.


Various underlying conditions can cause hot flashes, so seeking medical attention is crucial. As well as examining your lifestyle. It's important to eliminate anything that causes obesity, allergies or sensitivity issues (such as sleeping in a hot room or smoking).













*The content in this article is provided for informational purposes only. This is not intended to prevent, diagnose, treat, or cure any health conditions. It is not a substitute for professional medical advice or consultation. Talk to your doctor before making changes to your healthcare regimen.