My goal for 2024 was to eat more whole foods and minimize processed ingredients in my diet. If you follow me, you know that I am passionate about the quality of our food and believe it can play a huge role in helping balance our hormones. But quality ingredients, can also come with a big price tag.

I truly believe that everyone can benefit from incorporating more whole foods into their daily meals. However, I know that shopping at traditional grocery stores can be challenging with so many hidden ingredients lurking in our food. That’s why I’m excited to share a recent discovery that has made a huge difference in my grocery shopping experience.

Have you ever heard of a Grocery Co-Op? I hadn’t until recently, and it has completely transformed the way I buy groceries. The Co-Op I’m now using for the majority of our groceries is called Azure Standard, and it’s available across the United States.

Azure Standard offers an impressive variety of organic and hard-to-find products at great prices from farmers across the United States. They even have a wide selection of herbs for those of you looking to build your own home apothecary. What makes Azure Standard truly special to me is their commitment to upholding high standards on the food they sell, and the farmers they work with. You won’t find any of the following in their products:

  • Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs)
  • Refined Conventional Sugars
  • Artificial Colors
  • Artificial Flavors
  • Artificial Preservatives
  • Artificial Sweeteners
  • Bleached Flour
  • Certified Colors
  • Alcoholic Beverages
  • Fluoride
  • Monosodium Glutamate (MSG)
  • Artificial Nitrates/Nitrites in Meat Products

Knowing that I’m getting the purest, healthiest options that are free from hormone disruptors gives me peace of mind. However, shopping via a grocery co-op like Azure does require a little bit of planning. Instead of making spontaneous trips to the store, you place your order a week or two in advance. But believe me, the wait is worth it.

The convenience of having my order delivered to a local pick-up spot for free is fantastic, and the prices are often better than those at local health food stores. Plus, being part of a Co-Op means I’m connected to a community of people who share my values for quality and sustainability.

If you’re interested in trying it out for yourself, you can learn more here about the one I use called: Azure Standard. I hope this helps you on your journey to healthier eating as much as it has helped me.

With love and health,


Follow me on Instagram for more PCOS tips and information:

P.S. Here is another resource for getting local, quality ingredients for less:

CSA (Community Supported Agriculture):  CSAs are a unique sales model that better connects customers to the source of their food, while providing local farmers the year-round economic support they need to succeed. You can find one near you here:

Other Resources I love:

Where I Shop for Quality Food: Azure Standard

How I Check Food Ingredients: Yuka App

Become a Health Coach & Learn More: Institute of Integrative Nutrition

Disclaimer: This post is not sponsored. I just want to share in hopes that it can help you find quality food for less. I hope it can help you in your journey!