I was officially diagnosed with PCOS a year ago but I have been struggling with it for years, and if I look back, I think it started around the age of 20/21. With all the symptoms: weight gain, crazy hormones fluctuations, acne (face, back and chest), ovarian cysts, and most recently infertility because of all the issues above, I couldn’t ovulate. My OBGYN only gave me birth control and other hormone medications which only made everything worst, and he did not give me hope for getting pregnant naturally. I finally decided to wait to have a baby (for at least 3 years) so I can focus on being healthy. I stopped taking all the meds and started taking SMOO and other natural supplements. Again, I had left the idea of having a baby anytime soon… I really thought I couldn’t become pregnant but then came my missed period and what gave it away was that I can no longer tolerate onions , which I love. 5 days after my missed period I decided to just test. And here are the results So for those of you who are trying to conceive or are trying this out to see if it works… it definitely works!!! Just give it a bit of time. The positives came after 3 days into my 4th tub of S'moo.