Do you ever find yourself puzzled by the mysteries of your menstrual cycle, especially when dealing with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)? You're not alone. Navigating the world of hormone levels, ovulation tests, and menstrual periods can be like trying to solve a complex puzzle. But don't worry, we're here to chat about an important piece of this puzzle: understanding the LH surge with PCOS and its role in your journey towards hormonal balance and fertility.

Whether you're tracking your cycle with the precision of a scientist or just starting to understand the ins and outs of PCOS, we've got you covered. We’ll chat about everything from the LH surge before the period to how PCOS and LH surge intertwine. 

What Is Luteinizing Hormone (LH)?

Luteinizing hormone, or LH for short, might sound like a technical term straight out of a biology textbook, but it's actually a key player in your menstrual cycle. Think of LH as a hormonal messenger – it's produced by your pituitary gland and has a super important job: signaling your ovaries to release an egg each month. This release is what we call ovulation, and it's a star moment in your monthly cycle, especially if you're trying to conceive.

Here are some key points about LH:

  • Hormonal Messenger: LH is produced in the pituitary gland and plays a pivotal role in the menstrual cycle.
  • Trigger for Ovulation: It signals the ovaries to release an egg, marking the ovulation phase.
  • LH Surge: Just before ovulation, there's a significant increase in LH levels, known as the LH surge.

Now, here’s where it gets interesting. Right before ovulation, there's a spike in LH levels – this is known as the "LH surge." This surge is like a green light for ovulation, telling your body that it's go-time for releasing an egg. For most women, this surge is a reliable indicator of fertility. However, when it comes to women with PCOS, things can get a bit more complicated. PCOS can cause hormonal imbalances, which might affect how and when this LH surge happens.

Understanding your LH surge is like getting a sneak peek into your fertility window. It's crucial for anyone trying to conceive, but it’s also a valuable insight into your overall reproductive health. Monitoring this surge can help you understand your body better, making you an active participant in your health journey, rather than a bystander.

Ways to Track Ovulation If You Have PCOS

Living with PCOS can sometimes feel like you're on a rollercoaster, especially when it comes to tracking your ovulation. But hey, who doesn't love a good challenge? With a few tricks up your sleeve, you can become a pro at understanding your cycle. Here are some savvy ways to track ovulation, even when PCOS tries to throw you a curveball:

  • Ovulation Predictor Kits (OPKs): These handy kits work by detecting the LH surge in your urine. Remember the green light for ovulation we talked about? OPKs are like your personal traffic signal, letting you know when it's likely go-time for ovulation.
  • Tracking Menstrual Cycle Patterns: Even with irregular cycles, noting the patterns and changes in your menstrual cycle can offer valuable insights. It's like being a detective in your own health mystery.
  • Basal Body Temperature (BBT) Charting: Your body’s at-rest temperature can slightly rise after ovulation. By charting your BBT daily, you might notice these subtle changes, hinting at ovulation periods.
  • Monitoring Cervical Mucus: The consistency of your cervical mucus changes throughout your cycle. Around ovulation, it usually becomes clear and stretchy, like raw egg whites – nature's way of saying it's a fertile time.

Remember, while tracking ovulation with PCOS can be trickier, it's certainly not impossible. With these methods, a bit of patience, and perhaps a helping hand from a PCOS supplement like Ovary Good, designed to promote hormonal balance, you're well-equipped to take charge of your reproductive health.

Using Ovulation Predictor Kits in PCOS

These kits, which detect the LH surge indicating impending ovulation, are a popular tool for many women. But when it comes to PCOS, there's a bit more to consider. Let's break it down:

  • Understanding the Role of LH in PCOS: Women with PCOS often experience elevated levels of LH throughout their cycle. This means you might see frequent positive results on an OPK, which can be misleading. 
  • Choosing the Right OPK for PCOS: Some OPKs are designed specifically for PCOS, offering more nuanced readings. It's about finding the kit that speaks your body's unique language.
  • Timing is Key: Because of irregular cycles, timing your tests can be challenging. A good rule of thumb is to start testing a few days after your menstrual period ends and continue until you get a positive result or your next period begins.
  • Look for the Initial Surge: With frequent elevated LH levels, what you're really looking for is the initial surge. It's like catching the first wave in a set; that's your signal ovulation is on the horizon.
  • Pairing with Other Methods: Combining OPKs with other methods like BBT charting or cervical mucus tracking can give you a more comprehensive picture of your cycle.

Remember, while OPKs are a useful tool, they're just one part of the puzzle. For those with PCOS, it might take a bit more detective work to decipher your cycle's clues. And don't forget, supplements like Ovary Good are there to support you on this journey, helping to promote hormonal balance and overall reproductive health.

Can PCOS Affect the Accuracy of an Ovulation Test?

When you're dealing with PCOS, using an ovulation test can sometimes feel like trying to find a clear signal in a static-filled radio. PCOS can indeed affect the accuracy of ovulation tests. Let's explore how:

  • Elevated LH Levels: One of the classic symptoms of PCOS is elevated LH levels. This can lead to multiple positive results on an ovulation test, making it harder to pinpoint the actual LH surge in PCOS that indicates ovulation.
  • Irregular Cycles: PCOS often causes irregular menstrual cycles, which means predicting ovulation using standard timelines can be tricky. It's like trying to hit a moving target.
  • False Positives and Negatives: Due to fluctuating hormone levels, women with PCOS might experience false positives or even negatives on ovulation tests. It's important to understand that these tests might not always be the most reliable indicators for ovulation if you have PCOS.
  • Using the Mira Hormone Monitor: For a more tailored approach, consider the Mira Hormone Monitor. This advanced tool goes beyond traditional OPKs by analyzing hormone concentrations, offering a personalized and more accurate insight into your unique cycle, especially beneficial for PCOS sufferers. And don't forget, as a S’moo Babe, you get an exclusive 10% discount on the Mira Hormone Monitor with the code SMOO.


Remember, every woman's journey with PCOS is unique. Whether you're trying to conceive or just aiming for hormonal balance, staying informed and proactive is key. And let's not forget the role of Ovary Good, a PCOS supplement designed to support hormonal balance and complement your efforts in managing PCOS.

Take this thought with you: Managing PCOS and understanding your body's signals might be complex, but it's a journey you don't have to walk alone. From our S’moo Babes community of women sharing their experiences to supportive supplements – there's an entire world rooting for your health and well-being.


Written by: Amanda L, R.N.

Amanda, a seasoned nurse with over a decade of expertise in clinical environments, has established herself as an authority in family medicine and multiple specialized fields. Her practice is anchored in a holistic approach to health, emphasizing wellness and preventive care. Amanda has a profound interest in women's health care, passionately dedicating a significant portion of her expertise and content creation to addressing and enhancing women's wellness and health issues. Currently, she channels her extensive knowledge and experience into creating content for health and wellness brands.