Life is hard and if you don’t think it’s hard yet, hold on because I was there once too. All sunshine and rainbows and then BAM! Rain and snow and everything being way more difficult than it was. And I’m not talking about getting old (that will happen to me later and it will be a whole other slice of pie!) 

I’m talking about all those things you don’t think about and then when they come up, it’s a smack in the face. So let’s talk about the do’s and don’ts, the shoulds and shouldn’ts *which aren’t words and you wouldn’t believe how many times my computer corrected if for me. 


Should I freeze my eggs if I have PCOS? 

That’s a question I’ve heard before. If you know that one day you want to start a family but you’re afraid having PCOS might make that more difficult or even stop you, then you should think about having options. Though PCOS shouldn’t be the reason. Freezing your eggs has more to do with not feeling ready for pregnancy but wanting the option, not being in a committed relationship but knowing you want kids one day, or having been diagnosed with cancer and going to undergo chemotherapy because you know it will impact fertility. 

If you have PCOS and want to freeze your eggs you should consider that you’re more susceptible than other women to the risk of developing ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome, or OHSS. This syndrome occurs most frequently right after the egg retrieval and can be quite serious for women with PCOS. Women with PCOS already have a large number of follicles on the ovary and a tendency to over-respond to hormones so as the fluid-filled egg follicles begin to grow within the ovary, it enlarges. Sometimes, the hormones and chemicals produced by the empty egg follicles (after the egg retrieval) can cause fluid elsewhere in the body to shift into the abdominal cavity or the lungs.


Should I spend money on hair removal?

If one of your symptoms of PCOS is excess hair and you’re tired of battling hair on your face or neck, you can try a few things. 
> Idea one: S’moo has actually helped a lot of women balance their hormones and lessen their facial hair overtime. 
> Idea two: Sugaring! Sugaring, unlike waxing is much easier on their skin and hair. The big problem? You have to wait for your hair to grow out enough to sugar. 
> Idea three: laser hair removal. It’s more pricey and even if you get that Groupon Coupon (does anyone still use that site?) You can’t actually do laser hair removal if your hair is a light color, plus it takes going in again and again. 
> Idea four: Electrolysis is a permanent form of hair removal, that should work on all colors of hair but it’s main drawback is that there are no standardized licensing guidelines for electrolysis, so finding an experienced, effective technician is difficult. 

Trust me when I say, WOMEN HAVE BEEN DEALING WITH UNWANTED HAIR FOREVER! Dating back to 3,000 BCE the first razors were made of seashells. Women in ancient Egyptian, Roman, and Indian cultures were subjected to hair removal practices similar to today's. Egyptians actually being the first to create sugaring as mentioned above! #Bonding! 


Should I worry about other health issues PCOS might cause?

It might not be that PCOS causes health issues, but that having PCOS might make you more susceptible to other health issues as you get older. So it’s important to know the facts and visit the doctor. 25-30% of women with PCOS will show impaired glucose tolerance by the age of 30 and 8% of these women will develop type 2 diabetes. Women with PCOS more commonly have extensive coronary artery disease, hypertension, and chronic anovulation. The chronic anovulation in PCOS leads to constant endometrial stimulation with estrogen without progesterone, and this increases the risk of endometrial hyperplasia and carcinoma. Which are a bunch of fancy words we will review in future blogs soon!  The bottom line is that these things (based on emerging evidence) points towards possible ovarian and breast cancer. The important thing to remember is to get check ups and be aware of your health as well as working to eat right and stay on top of balancing your hormones. 


I know this all seems like a lot but what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger and here at S’moo we not only want to create a product to make your life easier but we also want to give you the facts, so you can better prepare for your future. Life isn’t always easy but it is beautiful. I hope these questions gave you food for thought and you were able to answer for yourself what to do next! 


Medical Disclaimer

This content is strictly the opinion of S'moo and is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended to provide medical advice or to take the place of medical advice or treatment from a personal physician. All readers/viewers of this content are advised to consult their doctors or qualified health professionals regarding specific health questions. Neither S'moo nor the publisher of this content takes responsibility for possible health consequences of any person or persons reading or following the information in this educational content. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement or lifestyle program.